Writing Process and Practice
Writing Process and Practice
You will receive: a weekly short video outlining each week’s content, a weekly email, and a downloadable (PDF) version of all activities and assignments. I will provide one full round of feedback/edits on your final draft (3,000 words or less). We will focus on engaging the creative process and practical ideas for growing as a writer.
This five-week class is completed individually and can be purchased at any time. A start and end date will be determined upon purchase.
More Details
In this five-lesson class, you are invited to strengthen your own writing process in order to stimulate long-term growth as a writer. We will discuss strategies for developing an idea, moving your thoughts from mind to page, overcoming writing blocks, and walking through the revision process (again and again) until you have a piece you love. You will receive strategies and coaching to help you approach future writing tasks with increased confidence.
Although we will focus on process over product, you will walk away with one piece of written work that has been workshopped and revised.
Topics include:
· Establishing writing rituals
· Overcoming blocks
· The magic (tricks) of revision
· Giving and receiving feedback
Is the class a good fit for me?
The content is applicable for any writer, but is particularly great for new or returning writers. We will focus on foundational concepts as the path to future growth.
Writers working in any genre (nonfiction, fiction, poetry, etc.) are welcome.
During the class, you will write and revise one piece, such as an essay or chapter. However, the strategies provided are transferable to longer works.
What Other Participants Have Said:
“The class provided insight into my all too common creative blocks and thoughtfully challenged me to lean into them in fresh and freeing ways. I was able to explore new approaches to the writing process, as well as feel understood by a community of writers.” - Class participant, via anonymous feedback survey
“You aren’t just showing people how to write. In Julia Cameron fashion, you are unblocking people, in life. The concepts you used are helpful for any type of creativity, and I realized that it’s very similar to the tools I use in software development." - Nic